Michigan State University must have forgotten Mugabe's success in dismantling white privilege and in 2008 stripped him of the doctorate awarded eighteen years prior.
Commentary on Communist history and ideology with comparisons to other Totalitarian ideologies and movements. Also links contemporary political events to ideological themes and trends.
Sunday, March 19, 2017
The Exterminationist Left: Happy Trails to Zimbabwe
Three waves
of massive extermination were conducted by Marxist regimes during the twentieth
century. The first was Stalin’s Bolshevik terror famine during which five
million Ukrainian farmers and their families perished in the early 1930s. It is
difficult to be precise with the number of Chinese killed by Mao during the
Great Leap Forward in the 1950s and 60s because the communist government of
China still limits access to the archives with the demographics. No one, however, disputes that the deaths topped
off in the tens of millions. In the
1970s Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge
slaughtered about a quarter of their fellow Cambodians.
The dead victims
in all three of these utopias in progress were selected by the “theorists” in
charge who planned and carried out the cleansing operations guided by an
ideology that had deciphered the progressive movement of history and identified
those, shall we say, “irredeemables” who were not part of the improvement plan.
All three architects of mass murder
(Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot), by the way, died in advanced years in their beds,
never to be held to account, Mao now slumbering away as a revered mummy in
his ornate mausoleum in Tiananmen square.
Underway for some time is another Leftist
planned extermination program. The 21st
century theorists like their 20th century predecessors are
Marxists. The Marxist foundational template
is the same – “Revolution”. Revolution
is shorthand for the way Marxist history is supposed to unfold – a smaller
number of designated oppressors (bad people) are overthrown by a larger number
of the discovered oppressed (good people). It is important to note that there
is no place for the oppressors once they are overthrown. These bad people, “bourgeoisie
as Lenin called them, get what they
deserve, “liquidatation.”
There are important
differences, however, in the way this extermination is currently unfolding. First, while the Marxist template
(Revolution) remains the same, the place holders have been repositioned. Economic
classes (the oppressor, bourgeois capitalist versus the oppressed workers, the proletariat) have been replaced
by races (white European oppressors versus
non-white oppressed third world people).
Second, this revolution is a softer one.
The oppressors are not being violently overthrown, murdered in mass or
exiled. They are much more complicit in
their elimination, ultimately surrendering their heritage and obliterating
their identity, succumbing to a steady stream of propaganda that stresses their
collective guilt, losers in a Kulturkampf
where speech and behavior that are deemed “insensitive” to people of color
bring severe social sanctions and ostracization. “Hate
speech” is
a tool for the left to monopolize power and criminalize dissent.
The left now
is ramping up this soft revolution with their trifecta of the “white privilege”
indoctrination of our children in the schools and universities, the relentless insistence
on pervasive, ubiquitous racism in American history and society, and the
advocacy of open borders. These are all
of a single piece and the goal is not a colorblind, race-neutral society, free
of discrimination and ethnic hatred, but the reduction of white Europeans to
social and political irrelevancy, the elimination of their history and
self-identity, and the purging of “whiteness” which now carries the eternal
stain of racism and a permanent stigma of bigotry.
American history
has been reduced to a narrative largely focused on racial subjugation and
discrimination, so successful for several generations in defining the American
experience that room has been created for supplemental stories of exploitation
and oppression – sexism, homophobia, most recently Islamophobia – dramatically
inflating the legions of the oppressed, and defining with more precision the
identity of the oppressor, white males.
Students now
in schools and universities are increasingly being subjected to a program of
moral blackmail that leverages ethnic guilt. The teaching of “white
a strong resemblance to the “self-criticism”
sessions of political reeducation during the Cultural Revolution in China. Thus, courtesy of the Southern Law Poverty
skin privilege is not something that white people necessarily do, create or
enjoy on purpose. Unlike the more overt individual and institutional manifestations
of racism described above, white skin privilege is a transparent preference for
whiteness that saturates our society. White skin privilege serves
several functions. First, it provides white people with “perks” that we do not
earn and that people of color do not enjoy. Second, it creates real advantages
for us. White people are immune to a lot of challenges. Finally, white
privilege shapes the world in which we live — the way that we navigate and
interact with one another and with the world.” http://www.tolerance.org/article/racism-and-white-privilege
then might be a rational response be from a white person subjected to the
airing of a grievance of such magnitude? Since these sorts of tendentious deceptive
semantics are impossible to refute – “whiteness” being so slippery and malleable
an abstraction it can perform whatever subversive tasks are required of it –
the only rational response is not to take it seriously, the way one would
ignore an orating crackpot on a street corner.
But the targets for this ethnic demolition are captive children and young people
who do not understand what is at stake and are not quite up to fighting off
professional indoctrinators. Clearly, the whiteness of “white privilege” is no
less than an inherent, unalterable corruption, and whether or not any given
individual white person bows to the cudgel, the widespread importation of “white
privilege” teaching into the schools and universities as a social engineering
tool helps to manufacture feelings of the sort of collective guilt that sets up
future generations of “white folks” who can be more easily duped, manipulated
and willing to assist in their destruction.
is an old saying that the victors of war get to write the history of the world.
White privilege works this way, too. Since white folks have been in control for
so long, we have determined what is valuable or interesting or useful in terms
of education. Greek and Roman mythology, Chaucer, and other canonized works
have been selected and revered through the ages as critical components of any
“solid liberal arts education.” http://www.tolerance.org/article/racism-and-white-privilege
cannot help but relish the candor expressed with this and wonder why any sane
white person would cooperate with such an obvious attempt at intimidation and extortion.
No dissimulation of raw, racial resentment, and not even the pretense of a
win-win outcome is suggested here – whites have been in control for too
long. It is time for them to capitulate
and come to know what subjugation really feels like. There is neither a moral
nor a self-interested reason to respond affirmatively to this.
privilege is the corollary of racism, ubiquitous, and so deeply entrenched in white-controlled
and white dominated America, so pervasive and in so many recondite forms, that
a white America without racism is virtually unthinkable. Here is how former
President Barack Obama explains it to a recent interlocutor.
Obama: What is also true is that the legacy of slavery,
Jim Crow, discrimination in almost every institution of our lives — you know,
that casts a long shadow. And that's still part of our DNA that's passed on.
We're not cured of it.
Maron: Racism.
Obama: Racism. We are not cured of it.
Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail
in 2016, not to be outdone by her former boss had this to add to the genetics
of Obama: “We
all have implicit biases. They are almost in the DNA going back probably
millennia. And what we need to do is be more honest about that and surface
them.” http://dailycaller.com/2016/04/20/hillary-tells-black-church-white-people-must-end-systemic-racism/#ixzz4bi9fezs7
How something can “almost” be in the DNA
is a bit puzzling, but don’t bother. It has been a problem for thousands of
years, so things will not change soon. In her 2016 Presidential campaign
Hillary Clinton in a brief moment of honesty before her LGBT followers slipped
out of her tightly regimented script and went full-Leninist to share her
feelings about the supporters of her rival, Donald Trump.
You know, to just be grossly
generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket
of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic
— you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted
them up…. Now, some of those folks --
they are irredeemable, but thankfully they are not America.” http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2016/sep/11/context-hillary-clinton-basket-deplorables/
Yes, we know. The picture now should
be coming into a very sharp focus: whether they will admit it or not, these recalcitrant,
racist white folks, as any good contemporary Marxist will happily explain to
you, are the oppressor class. Do not expect them to happily renounce their
unearned and undeserved privilege they daily use imperceptibly to exploit and
discriminate against non-white people. As our former geneticist-in chief
informed us, discrimination derives from a racism that is embedded in our DNA
with no “cure” in sight.
Obama is being his usual disingenuous self when he says “our DNA” when he
really means the DNA of the oppressor-discriminators. What Marxism 101 teaches
is that the oppressor class never voluntarily
steps aside to make room for the oppressed:
Lenin, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot overthrew them and then killed them.
What then to do about these DNA
infected, racist irredeemables, the oppressors who dismantled Jim Crow fifty
years ago, but who still, as Vice President Joe Bidden so elegantly put in back
in 2012, “They're
going to put y'all back in chains”? http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2012/08/vp-biden-says-republicans-are-going-to-put-yall-back-in-chains/
The Stalinist, Maoist approach, so
last-century, is not necessary. Bring on part three, open borders, a final
solution, so to speak, that eliminates white privilege and the white racist
infrastructure that keeps it in place by flooding the country with third world
people in sufficient quantities to displace those“white folks”too long in
control. This has been going on in
California since the 1965 immigration law change, and the most populous state
is now sufficiently non-white as to give open-borders, Hillary Clinton most of
her two-plus million vote plurality in the last November election. If Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were to
have their way, in a few short years, the entire country would be “Cali-fornicated” and that “basket of
deplorables” would no longer
be a problem.
To get a glimpse of what the elimination
of white privilege in its final stages looks like and how to put the oppressors
out of business, African Marxist, Robert Mugabe, perhaps, best shows the
way. As Ilana Mercer illustrates in her
recent book, Into Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons
for America in Post-Apartheid South Africa, Mugabe in a few short decades
turned Rhodesia, the bread basket of Africa into a third world hell hole,
expelling and murdering the white farmers who produced the food and ultimately
the wealth. But Mugabe was an
illustrious member of the oppressed race, and even though he wrecked the
country and murdered thousands of people, black and white, he dismantled white
privilege. This made him into an
international star of sorts, a particular favorite at western universities such
as Edinburgh, U-Mass, and Michigan State University where he was bestowed with
tributes along with honorary degrees.
The revolutionary freedom fighter was spokesperson
and cherished idol of the anti-apartheid growth industry abroad. It took
decades and piles of dead bodies before Robert Mugabe lost luster in the eyes
of the American mainstream media. Mercer,
Ilana. Into the Cannibal's Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South
Africa (p. 134). Bytech Services. Kindle Edition.
Michigan State University must have forgotten Mugabe's success in dismantling white privilege and in 2008 stripped him of the doctorate awarded eighteen years prior.
Michigan State University must have forgotten Mugabe's success in dismantling white privilege and in 2008 stripped him of the doctorate awarded eighteen years prior.
State University trustees Friday stripped Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe of
an honorary law degree it gave him in 1990, citing a pattern of human rights
abuses and political repression. Mugabe led the successful struggle to overcome
White minority rule over what then was called Rhodesia. But he now faces wide
domestic and international opposition because of Zimbabwe’s economic collapse
and his crackdown on opponents. http://diverseeducation.com/article/11685/
The American people have just finished
eight years of being governed by a version of Robert Mugabe-Lite. Mrs. Mugabe
was anointed and waiting in the wings with, we can be quite sure, her plans for
that “basket of
deplorables,” her very own Untermenschen who are really not part of
America. Much to the chagrin of our sneering overlords, she
was upended by the Orange Man who may at least slow down our own miserable forced march to Zimbabwe.
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"Obama is a man of the left and the left hates guns more than almost anything else they remotely associate with the despised right, more than gas guzzlers, home school families, coal companies, confederate flags or pro-life protestors."
Fuck that bi-sexual deviant, communist nigger, that abomination who illegally occupied the Oval Office and disgraced this country for two-terms by this very fact.
Pardon my Yiddish.
Fuck that bi-sexual deviant, communist nigger, that abomination who illegally occupied the Oval Office and disgraced this country for two-terms by this very fact.
Pardon my Yiddish.
Black families were imported to Detroit as strike breakers to cross the picket line, when white men stood up on their hind legs and demanded to be treated equitably. Blacks were the useful idiots to help keep a lid on trade unions.
Blacks still play the fool, until it's time to play the rent a thug mob, to shake down productive citizens for the share of the FREE Gibs Me Dats!
Blacks still play the fool, until it's time to play the rent a thug mob, to shake down productive citizens for the share of the FREE Gibs Me Dats!
I do not believe racism is in any DNA, nor do I believe that President Obama knew or knows much about anything he talked or is talking about. Racism is not inherited. If you don't believe racism is learned, watch for awhile two little kids of different races playing with each other.
Dr. Rand Paul cites two studies about masks, both of which debunk the myth of the efficacy of masks in preventing the spread of Coronavirus. Just today, New York released their tracking data (another imperialistic tool used for controlling the masses) on the spread of Coronavirus in restaurants. It was 1.4%! Cuomo still ordered all restaurants and bars to close. I am quite sure there are few trustworthy corporations anymore, but my situation (older, some autoimmune disease) seems to compel me to make a voluntary choice and get the vaccine as soon as I can, even though I am fine so far. I go out a lot to church, some social gatherings, shopping, etc., but I take common-sense precautions used to prevent the spread of any virus. The Health Dictatorship, as Foster labels it, has got to be overthrown, otherwise the backbones of our economy and freedom, i.e., small businesses, will be destroyed. But perhaps that is, after all, the plan of the left!
By the way, Foster's new novel, Toward The Bad I Kept On Turning, is a great read. Though somewhat fantastical, it is chocked full of great stories and a lot of history. It is available on Amazon.
By the way, Foster's new novel, Toward The Bad I Kept On Turning, is a great read. Though somewhat fantastical, it is chocked full of great stories and a lot of history. It is available on Amazon.
Yeah, you can be a "racist" just by existing, without even thinking in "racist" terms or having "racist" motives. And if you simply want to state facts or have a conversation about racism, you will become a threat to the control aficionados, and will become racist by default. As foster suggests, if you're not part of the collective, you're not legitimate. And about diversity; is the "salad bowl" philosophy better than the old "melting pot" descriptor? No, not when speaking of nationalism. And the extremes to which the salad bowl philosophy have been taken certainly do not, as the Wokes claim, insure personal liberty. Just the opposite as diversity becomes groupthink!
Donald Trump's time is over! House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer have jointly asked Vice President Mike Pence to trigger Amendment No. 25 to dismiss President Trump.
What would anyone expect from far-left politicians like Pelosi and Schumer who, instead of preparing for the confirmation hearings for Biden's cabinet picks, would waste their time on this nonsense.
Foster has, once again, "hit the nail on the head." However, in my opinion, if the Democrats try to confiscate guns anywhere in this country, all hell will break loose!
They might not be so obvious about it. More likely they'll declare the manufacture of ammunition a contributor to global warming and order a halt to production.
When we visited Munich some years ago we decided to visit Dachau. The locals would not tell us how to get there or even admit of its existence. Nazification had indeed been accomplished, and continued even then. Now, here, we deplorables with our guns and God are being cancelled in much the same way. Those of you who doubt, make no mistake; gun control laws, including gun confiscation laws, will immediately increase as a first step, followed closely or even simultaneously by the attempt by the Democrats to once and for all institute an absolute right to practice their religion of abortion without limits. Wake up people. Foster is right. If we continue down the path of American denazification by altering our country's history through false and improper education and untrustworthy news, and if we do not expose the myth of "systemic" racism, our country, and all of its good people, will be totally ruled by and dependent on government. Is that what "the land of the free" is all about?
I didn't watch the inauguration because I was too busy doing more important things, so I can't comment first-hand on it. But from what I've seen and read about it, there were two differing observations. The conservative-leaning pundits and news media agreed with the assessment penned by Foster; the liberal news media thought it was "the best inauguration speech ever." Given the fact that it appears it was read verbatim from the teleprompter with no deviations, it obviously was not penned by Biden. It purportedly invoked religion and God more than any inauguration speech since Eisenhower. And this stuff was spouted by a man who represents a party whose religion is abortion! The best inauguration speech ever? Really? C'mon man!
Yes, millions can and have seen that Democracy has not prevailed. When the people turn over their power to the Washington Establishment, bolstered by a complicit mainstream media, only tyranny can result. Are we there yet?
The state should not be able to force people to give up the fundamental right to control over their own bodies unless exercising that right can be shown to be dangerous or detrimental to other people who also have the right to life. Abortion is an example; it's hard to argue that having an abortion is not really, really detrimental to another human life. The same can be true for vaccinations; if herd immunity is vitally important to the lives of everybody, then people can be forced to comply.
Another great blog from Stephen Foster. I religiously follow his blog, and though I sometimes disagree with him (see above) , I am never disappointed with his great thought processes, knowledge, and perfect-sense (usually) arguments and observations. This present blog is no exception: well-written and well- thought-out. I too, was a professor, and I share many of his experiences with the new "Studies curricula" and the problems and even downright horrors they brought and continue to bring. The cancel culture is, I believe, largely a product of the indoctrination graduates of these largely worthless grievance vocabulary majors have received and promulgated. Certainly the cancel culture has not made our lives happier, safer, nor more productive, as Foster points out by way of the rhetorical questions he asks at the end of the blog!
The New Normal will never be what I (and Foster, obviously) will ever accept. Even given our country's stated "rules of law," I fear people will have to get hurt before we jump over the cuckoo's nest.
There's that word "diversity" again popping up all over academia The results of invoking and then acting on the word in universities is mostly bull crap! I'm OK with you being diverse, as long as you don't mind me being diverse in different ways than you, and neither of us cause harm to each other or to others that are diverse from us. As famous Los Angeles actor Rodney King
once said, "Why can't we all just get along?
once said, "Why can't we all just get along?
Foster's recent post is ominous, predicting that our "democracy" is rapidly heading toward Marxism. Unfortunately, this is probably true. And yes, there is hope in resistance, but it may take much more than words and thoughts and is very scary to those of us who love our country!
From above: "Perceptions and opinions, as we know, tend to be error-prone, subjectively based, tendentious, and, at times held with fanatical fervor in the face of disconfirming, empirically-based reality." Very true. People's feelings often take precedence over facts, many times based on their own biases and observations and being convinced by a corrupt media that continually bombards them with confirming claptrap. But pretentious and insincere statements are often not true in the real world, and the failure of many to grasp that, either because of ignorance or because of willful denial, leads to failure, sometimes cataclysmic failure, of societies. Woke? I think not. Deceived? Absolutely!
It seems that our whole culture - or counter-culture now - has become one big abstraction. Though Foster makes the point, convincingly, I think, that we can't really declare war on an abstraction, perhaps we should do just that with the goal of quickly winning that war and getting back, as a new normal, to things that really matter to us.
I think the whole premise of "Hitler" returning has to do with the fear of the Washington D.C. politicians that the swamp will be drained and, thus, power lost. That can't be allowed to happen, so new Hitlers are discovered to take the focus off of the massive failures, avarice, and dishonesty practiced by the swamp creatures. For example, when Trump was elected, he had to be made a Hitler. His populist ideas and promises made could not be allowed to stand. And even though Trump accomplished a lot and kept a lot of promises, he had to be maligned even if it meant that the country would suffer. The mainstream news organizations were willing co-conspirators in this endeavor, and even now conspire to cover up the obvious and severe shortfalls of the new President. As a wise character named Pogo once said, "We have met the enemy, and he is us."
According to those on the left, everything white people do is racist. But, as Foster points out, nothing people of color do can possibly be racist. Astonishingly, we now have racist highways that were perpetrated on people of color by white people. But it should be apparent to all that the mainstream media, illustrated by what they say and how they say (or don't say) it, are definitely racist themselves. Racially-incited hatred from virtually every leftist group now, is becoming rampant, and we must find the truth-telling to end it! Thanks Stephen, for your truth telling.
Foster's newest blog, Moscow to Minneapolis, is not only true, but is "right on" in every respect. This is an absolutely great blog. And of course, as always, Foster makes his points so well with his mastery of the written word.
How did we (The citizens of the United States) get to this point of "collective madness" where we allow "Critical Race Theory" to not only explain everything but explain away everything not deemed desirable by so few?" Whatever happened to embracing critique and disagreement and civil discourse?
When, exactly, did the fourth estate morph almost completely into the fifth column and become the propaganda arm of the fictional systemic racism believers?
How did we (The citizens of the United States) get to this point of "collective madness" where we allow "Critical Race Theory" to not only explain everything but explain away everything not deemed desirable by so few?" Whatever happened to embracing critique and disagreement and civil discourse?
When, exactly, did the fourth estate morph almost completely into the fifth column and become the propaganda arm of the fictional systemic racism believers?
Why can't we all just get along? - Rodney King Possibly because there are many, usually on one side of the Black vs. White conflict, who prefer not to do so. Rather, they prefer to manufacture their own justice, whether it fits the facts or not.
This last blog about embalmed former "leaders" was interesting and readable. As I read it and the reference to Biden, I began to wonder if dementia could be compared to a kind of premature embalming. Surely Biden's present thought processes are little better than those that would come from a preserved corpse. And if Dr. Jill was not around to lead him out of his wandering ways and otherwise direct him, would old Joe be able to get through any day without being compared to an animated yet relatively mindless decedent? Which begs the question, did thinking people really vote for him? And, if so, can they succinctly explain why other than because they "hated" Trump?
Comments by IntenseDebate
Posting anonymously.
Barack Obama,
Donald Trump,
hate speech,
Hillary Clinton,
Joseph Stalin,
Mao Tse Tung,
Michigan State University,
Pol Pot,
Robert Mugabe,
White Privilege,
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