But let me confidently speculate about a few of the things that the students of Connecticut and those in the nineteen other states in line to make Holocaust education mandatory will not learn from their Holocaust education:
Commentary on Communist history and ideology with comparisons to other Totalitarian ideologies and movements. Also links contemporary political events to ideological themes and trends.
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
My Victimhood is Bigger than Yours, or, “Genocide” Isn’t What It Used To Be
“My victimhood is bigger than
yours” (hereafter MVBY) is a very popular game these days, particularly around
election season. MVBY is easy to play,
but you can best acquire expertise by going to a university, any university,
and major in one of the “studies” disciplines – Women Studies, Gay/Lesbian
Studies, African American Studies, Latino Studies or maybe Queer Theory or
Post-Colonialism. There are a lot of options to choose from, and the best part
is that when finished, you are fully equipped to make life miserable for anyone
who doubts the particular version of victimhood you espouse. Almost all of the
degrees come with an easily mastered vocabulary of handy accusations, insults
and slurs, an in-your-face attitude that will intimidate most people, and a
self-righteous certainty that is invincible to counterarguments and can withstand
the response of anyone courageous enough be critical or skeptical of your point
of view.
Some of the more gifted graduates
go on to prestige jobs at cable networks like CNN or national newspapers such as the New York Times and Washington
Post. They get well paid to complain about “racism,” “sexism,” "anti-Semitism" and “white
supremacy” and enjoy unmasking the bigotry of the rubes who voted for Trump. Other
graduates become teachers in the schools and universities. They conduct the
“consciousness raising” so that the next generation of victims knows how even
better to articulate its grievances, formulate its demands, and as former
President Obama put it, “Get
in their face.” Those who prefer administrative-human resources
“work,” will find that the “Diversity Industry” is an employment growth-sector.
The rapid expansion of victim groups has stimulated demand for appropriately
credentialed personnel to pursue the workplace perpetrators of
microaggressions, racist dog whistles and hate speech. For the more physically
oriented and less intellectually gifted victim-credentialed folks, there are
opportunities for street work. Join Antifa or BLM, put on a mask, smash some
storefront windows, and beat up anyone who appears to display racist tendencies
or Nazi sympathies. For the less physically oriented, lawyers are aplenty. They
will help you target and maximize the impact of your accusations of
discrimination, harassment and abuse.
However, to get a better sense of
how the politicians and the educators help make MVBY a national past time and
turn schools into propaganda mills, consider this recent development in
Connecticut. From the Hartford
Courant, October, 21, 2018.
lawmakers moved closer on Monday toward requiring the state's school districts
to teach students about the Holocaust and other genocides, voicing concern
about an uptick an anti-Semitic acts and an apparent lack of knowledge among
many young people about such atrocities. While the state Department of
Education has made an optional course on genocide available to districts,
legislators said many have not used it. ‘We have not done enough to educate the
young,’ said Democratic Rep. Andrew Fleischmann of West Hartford, who voiced concern about recent
polling that has shown a lack of awareness about the Holocaust and the six
million Jewish victims. ‘It's not clear why we would have districts not
teaching this profoundly important subject.’”
The article goes on to add that “The House of Representatives voted 147-0 in
favor of the bill following a somber and poignant debate.” Really? One has
to wonder: just how “somber and poignant” a “debate” could be with a vote of
147 to 0 as the outcome? How long did it last? It sounds more to me like the
sorts of voting that took place in the Council of People’s Commissars back in
the halcyon days of the USSR. “No” is not a career-enhancing move, as everyone,
wink-wink, understands. “It's not clear
why we would have districts not teaching this profoundly important subject.” Come on Commisar Fleischmann! You are just being polite. We
all know what is going on in these districts.
Did anyone in this somber debate
raise what seems to be the most obvious question: Why should the teaching of
“Holocaust and other genocides” be mandatory? Representative Fleischmann says
that this is a “profoundly important subject.” Fine, but let’s drop the
preacherly pose, set the scolding aside for a moment and be upfront and honest: what is
“important” is an outcome heavily conditioned by self-interest and
self-identity. Engineers argue that mathematics and physics are profoundly
important subjects for instruction, for English teachers, literature and
grammar. Devout Catholics want their children to be taught to believe in the
sanctity of life and the mortal sin of abortion, for feminists, the equality of
women, access to abortion, and the social construction of gender are very
Why then does the Holocaust merit
privileged status as a mandatory topic in the schools? The last 3000
years or so of history is full of mass murder, atrocities, rape and pillage. So
much to choose from, so where do you draw the line? You could fill up the
entire K-12 years with nothing else. Given the heavy moralizing that energizes
the teaching of these sorts of topics, unfortunately, the efforts inevitably twist
themselves into tendentious, fact-selective enterprises of enforced dogma that
suffer absolutely no critical or skeptical reaction – true believers are the intended
outcome, anything else is punishable heresy. Look what happened to Larry
Summers a few years back at Harvard. Being a certified victim, or related
to a victim of any atrocity gives the claimant enormous moral, and possibly
political, leverage, which is why, it should seem obvious, that victim-status
has become such a coveted commodity that comes with a vast advocacy network and
legal enforcement apparatus. To wit: “Last
year, the General Assembly passed legislation making the commission of a hate
crime a felony instead of a misdemeanor. Violence and threats based on a
person's gender also were deemed hate crimes. The state's previous law only
protected gender identity or expression, not gender,” also from the Hartford Courant article.
But on with the somber Connecticut
lawmakers: Who then should teach the American children about the “Holocaust and
other genicides”? Before attempting to answer the question, it is reasonable to
conclude that the upper-case “Holocaust” is going to be the centerpiece of
attention given the “uptick of anti-Semitic acts” that young people seem to be
unaware of, as noted by Alan Levin, the regional civil rights chairman of the
Connecticut Anti-Defamation League, who was cited in the Hartford Courant article. One can speculate about ADL priorities
operating in this venue, but what about the lower-case afterthought, the “other
genocides”? Well, to borrow an old Cricket metaphor, that is a bit of “sticky
wicket” because, you see, from the very beginning of its coinage by Raphael
Lemkin and its attachment to Hitler and the Third Reich, “genocide” has been a
tool of cynical ideologues used in the service of self-interest. In a review,
of Stalin’s Genocides by
Norman Naimark (Princeton
University Press) Aaron Rothstein writes in “Bodies Count”:
Naimark, the Robert and Florence McDonnell Professor of East European Studies
at Stanford, wonders why Lemkin, and those who followed his analysis at the
United Nations in writing the Genocide Convention, created a concept that
incorporated Hitler’s killings—the attempt to extirpate the Jews was an attempt
to exterminate an ethnic group (and nation)—but did not extend as far as
Stalin’s murders. Naimark points out that Lemkin’s 1933 argument, unlike his
1944 book, included a reference to the extermination of a “social
collectivity.” Such collectivities include political parties or groups
organized around particular ideas; they could be almost any group considered to
be a political opponent. In Lemkin’s earlier analysis, the attempt to
exterminate such groups would also have been considered genocide. But not in
1944. And not in 1948, either, when Lemkin’s work influenced the U.N.
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. That
document also leaves out social and political collectivities, stating that
genocide includes the “intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national,
ethnical, racial or religious group, as such.” Naimark suggests that the reason
for this alteration in the concept was simple, but it has had large
consequences: Lemkin did not want to upset Stalin who, despite brutally
exterminating political groups in the Soviet Union, was vital to the Allied war
effort against Hitler.”
Yes, it was extremely important
not to “upset Stalin” which meant that his mass-murders – millions of Ukraine
peasants, the Katyn Wood massacre, as well as his extensive mass-deportations
and ethnic cleansing during WWII, and the million-plus slave-laborers in the
Gulag – would have to be conveniently overlooked. Lemkin himself in a recent
study by Anton Weiss-Wendt, who directs research at the Center for the Study of
the Holocaust and Religious Minorities in Oslo, Norway, emerges as an unsavory
opportunist. In a review:
“Rather than the ‘saintly figure’ of popular
accounts, Weiss-Wendt instead presents Lemkin as ‘a rather odious character—
jealous, monomaniacal, self-important, but most of all unscrupulous’, complicit
in the gutting of his own creation. As early as 1947, Lemkin himself favored
the exclusion of political groups in order to secure adoption of the treaty,
and enlisted the World Jewish Congress in this effort.” (Holocaust and Genocide Studies, September, 2017)
Genocide as a moral and legal concept from its establishment by the
United Nations Genocide Convention in 1948 has been selectively applied and
politically manipulated so as to make its current application a dubious
polemical ploy that certifies victimhood with an exclamation point. The Wikipedia
“List of
Genocides by Death Toll” has a total of thirty-five genocides that range
back to 135 BC, “the Punic battle of Carthage.” It also cites the “Canadian residential school
system (Canadian genocide)” that claimed somewhere between “3,200 and 32,000 lives
over 120 years” (a multi-generational conspiracy apparently). Not on the list
was Mao’s “Great Leap Forward” that in five years killed between 20 and 40
million Chinese. The Wikipedia list also states that “Scholars are divided and their debate is inconclusive on
whether the Holodomor [Stalin’s terror famine that killed three to five million
Ukrainians] falls under the definition of genocide.” When what counts as “genocide”
is elusive enough to put the “scholars” in opposition over 3 to 5 million dictator-designed
dead people and inclusive enough to put the Canadian residential school system
in the dock over 32,000 or is it 3,200 or maybe 32?), it is time, the next time you hear the word, to kick
the dog and go out and mow your lawn.
2012 Paul Preston, a prolific British historian of the Spanish civil war,
published a massive work entitled, The
Spanish Holocaust: Inquisition and Extermination in Twentieth Century Spain.
Preston just couldn’t help himself: he says so in the Prologue to the book (xi). So now, it seems, “Holocaust” is going the
way of “genocide” with Franco joining the ranks of Hitler in the “circles of
evil” rankings. This made Preston wildly popular with the Spanish leftists who
are now set to evict Franco from the hated Valle
de los Caidos and who will probably soon blow
the place up. I don’t know, however, if Preston heard from the Anti-Defamation
League and Deborah Lipstad, the self-appointed guardian of Holocaust orthodoxy,
with accusations of trademark infringement, but, clearly, there are powerful
incentives to push the envelope of guilt and inflationary pressure at work for
those who toil at manipulating the nomenclature-of-evil, trying to move their favorite
victim-class to the front of the line.
So, to
return to the question: Who then should teach the American children
about the “Holocaust and other genocides”?
Here, from the Hartford Courant,
is the Connecticut solution:
“Under the legislation, local and regional school boards must include
the topic in their social studies curriculum beginning with the 2018-19 school
year. It is estimated the mandate could cost districts less than $5,000, but
the legislation allows local school officials to use free, online resources and
to accept grants and donations to cover the cost.”
A bit of online research will
indicate the likely source of the “free, online resources,” and elementary
deductive logic will point you in the right direction to guess about the content
and structure. Oh, and note the direction, from “must include the topic…” to ... “the legislation allows local schools to use free online resources…” Alan Levin from the ADL, I’ll bet, has an uncle
in the furniture business.
But let me confidently speculate about a few of the things that the students of Connecticut and those in the nineteen other states in line to make Holocaust education mandatory will not learn from their Holocaust education:
firebombing of 131 cities during WWII, immolating hundreds of thousands of
German civilians, including women and children – war crimes under international
law (Jörg Friedrich, Der Brand:
Deutschland Im Bombenkrieg, 1940-1945, Propylean, 2002);
The predominant role that Jewish
Bolsheviks played in the murder of the Tsar Nicholas II, his wife, fourteen year
old son and four daughters -- bayoneted to death (Mark Weber, “The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik
Revolution and Russia's Early Soviet Regime,” (The
Unz Review);
The rape and murder
of tens of thousands of German women by Red Army soldiers in 1945 (Anthony Beevor, “They Raped every Female from Eight to Eighty” in The
The ethnic cleansing and
force deportation of fifteen million ethnic Germans from “liberated” central
Europe, of which two million died from starvation, disease and murder – the
result of Potsdam Conference in 1945 with Truman, Churchill and Attlee in
collusion with human rights champion, Joseph Stalin (Alfred M. de Zayas, Nemesis at Potsdam, Routledge, 1977);
Ethnic cleansing and
deportation of Palestinians; the dispossession and theft of their property; the
massacres and atrocities of Israeli hero, Ariel Sharon; and Golda Meir’s declamation
of diversity and inclusion from 1969: “There
was no such thing as Palestinians … It was not as though there was a
Palestinian people in Palestine considering itself as a Palestinian people and
we came and threw them out and took their country from them. They did not exist.”
(Ian Black, Enemies and Neighbors: Arabs
and Jews in Palestine and Israel, 1917-2017, Grove Press, 2017, p. 224).
This list could go on
for a very long time, but the victims of these atrocities and many of the
others that could be cited are not currently in fashion and will not be anytime
soon. And so, we have come full circle back to the high stakes game of “My victimhood
is greater than yours.” At some point it should become obvious that certain
people take this game more seriously than others and play it much better than anyone
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"Obama is a man of the left and the left hates guns more than almost anything else they remotely associate with the despised right, more than gas guzzlers, home school families, coal companies, confederate flags or pro-life protestors."
Fuck that bi-sexual deviant, communist nigger, that abomination who illegally occupied the Oval Office and disgraced this country for two-terms by this very fact.
Pardon my Yiddish.
Fuck that bi-sexual deviant, communist nigger, that abomination who illegally occupied the Oval Office and disgraced this country for two-terms by this very fact.
Pardon my Yiddish.
Black families were imported to Detroit as strike breakers to cross the picket line, when white men stood up on their hind legs and demanded to be treated equitably. Blacks were the useful idiots to help keep a lid on trade unions.
Blacks still play the fool, until it's time to play the rent a thug mob, to shake down productive citizens for the share of the FREE Gibs Me Dats!
Blacks still play the fool, until it's time to play the rent a thug mob, to shake down productive citizens for the share of the FREE Gibs Me Dats!
I do not believe racism is in any DNA, nor do I believe that President Obama knew or knows much about anything he talked or is talking about. Racism is not inherited. If you don't believe racism is learned, watch for awhile two little kids of different races playing with each other.
Dr. Rand Paul cites two studies about masks, both of which debunk the myth of the efficacy of masks in preventing the spread of Coronavirus. Just today, New York released their tracking data (another imperialistic tool used for controlling the masses) on the spread of Coronavirus in restaurants. It was 1.4%! Cuomo still ordered all restaurants and bars to close. I am quite sure there are few trustworthy corporations anymore, but my situation (older, some autoimmune disease) seems to compel me to make a voluntary choice and get the vaccine as soon as I can, even though I am fine so far. I go out a lot to church, some social gatherings, shopping, etc., but I take common-sense precautions used to prevent the spread of any virus. The Health Dictatorship, as Foster labels it, has got to be overthrown, otherwise the backbones of our economy and freedom, i.e., small businesses, will be destroyed. But perhaps that is, after all, the plan of the left!
By the way, Foster's new novel, Toward The Bad I Kept On Turning, is a great read. Though somewhat fantastical, it is chocked full of great stories and a lot of history. It is available on Amazon.
By the way, Foster's new novel, Toward The Bad I Kept On Turning, is a great read. Though somewhat fantastical, it is chocked full of great stories and a lot of history. It is available on Amazon.
Yeah, you can be a "racist" just by existing, without even thinking in "racist" terms or having "racist" motives. And if you simply want to state facts or have a conversation about racism, you will become a threat to the control aficionados, and will become racist by default. As foster suggests, if you're not part of the collective, you're not legitimate. And about diversity; is the "salad bowl" philosophy better than the old "melting pot" descriptor? No, not when speaking of nationalism. And the extremes to which the salad bowl philosophy have been taken certainly do not, as the Wokes claim, insure personal liberty. Just the opposite as diversity becomes groupthink!
Donald Trump's time is over! House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer have jointly asked Vice President Mike Pence to trigger Amendment No. 25 to dismiss President Trump.
What would anyone expect from far-left politicians like Pelosi and Schumer who, instead of preparing for the confirmation hearings for Biden's cabinet picks, would waste their time on this nonsense.
Foster has, once again, "hit the nail on the head." However, in my opinion, if the Democrats try to confiscate guns anywhere in this country, all hell will break loose!
They might not be so obvious about it. More likely they'll declare the manufacture of ammunition a contributor to global warming and order a halt to production.
When we visited Munich some years ago we decided to visit Dachau. The locals would not tell us how to get there or even admit of its existence. Nazification had indeed been accomplished, and continued even then. Now, here, we deplorables with our guns and God are being cancelled in much the same way. Those of you who doubt, make no mistake; gun control laws, including gun confiscation laws, will immediately increase as a first step, followed closely or even simultaneously by the attempt by the Democrats to once and for all institute an absolute right to practice their religion of abortion without limits. Wake up people. Foster is right. If we continue down the path of American denazification by altering our country's history through false and improper education and untrustworthy news, and if we do not expose the myth of "systemic" racism, our country, and all of its good people, will be totally ruled by and dependent on government. Is that what "the land of the free" is all about?
I didn't watch the inauguration because I was too busy doing more important things, so I can't comment first-hand on it. But from what I've seen and read about it, there were two differing observations. The conservative-leaning pundits and news media agreed with the assessment penned by Foster; the liberal news media thought it was "the best inauguration speech ever." Given the fact that it appears it was read verbatim from the teleprompter with no deviations, it obviously was not penned by Biden. It purportedly invoked religion and God more than any inauguration speech since Eisenhower. And this stuff was spouted by a man who represents a party whose religion is abortion! The best inauguration speech ever? Really? C'mon man!
Yes, millions can and have seen that Democracy has not prevailed. When the people turn over their power to the Washington Establishment, bolstered by a complicit mainstream media, only tyranny can result. Are we there yet?
The state should not be able to force people to give up the fundamental right to control over their own bodies unless exercising that right can be shown to be dangerous or detrimental to other people who also have the right to life. Abortion is an example; it's hard to argue that having an abortion is not really, really detrimental to another human life. The same can be true for vaccinations; if herd immunity is vitally important to the lives of everybody, then people can be forced to comply.
Another great blog from Stephen Foster. I religiously follow his blog, and though I sometimes disagree with him (see above) , I am never disappointed with his great thought processes, knowledge, and perfect-sense (usually) arguments and observations. This present blog is no exception: well-written and well- thought-out. I too, was a professor, and I share many of his experiences with the new "Studies curricula" and the problems and even downright horrors they brought and continue to bring. The cancel culture is, I believe, largely a product of the indoctrination graduates of these largely worthless grievance vocabulary majors have received and promulgated. Certainly the cancel culture has not made our lives happier, safer, nor more productive, as Foster points out by way of the rhetorical questions he asks at the end of the blog!
The New Normal will never be what I (and Foster, obviously) will ever accept. Even given our country's stated "rules of law," I fear people will have to get hurt before we jump over the cuckoo's nest.
There's that word "diversity" again popping up all over academia The results of invoking and then acting on the word in universities is mostly bull crap! I'm OK with you being diverse, as long as you don't mind me being diverse in different ways than you, and neither of us cause harm to each other or to others that are diverse from us. As famous Los Angeles actor Rodney King
once said, "Why can't we all just get along?
once said, "Why can't we all just get along?
Foster's recent post is ominous, predicting that our "democracy" is rapidly heading toward Marxism. Unfortunately, this is probably true. And yes, there is hope in resistance, but it may take much more than words and thoughts and is very scary to those of us who love our country!
From above: "Perceptions and opinions, as we know, tend to be error-prone, subjectively based, tendentious, and, at times held with fanatical fervor in the face of disconfirming, empirically-based reality." Very true. People's feelings often take precedence over facts, many times based on their own biases and observations and being convinced by a corrupt media that continually bombards them with confirming claptrap. But pretentious and insincere statements are often not true in the real world, and the failure of many to grasp that, either because of ignorance or because of willful denial, leads to failure, sometimes cataclysmic failure, of societies. Woke? I think not. Deceived? Absolutely!
It seems that our whole culture - or counter-culture now - has become one big abstraction. Though Foster makes the point, convincingly, I think, that we can't really declare war on an abstraction, perhaps we should do just that with the goal of quickly winning that war and getting back, as a new normal, to things that really matter to us.
I think the whole premise of "Hitler" returning has to do with the fear of the Washington D.C. politicians that the swamp will be drained and, thus, power lost. That can't be allowed to happen, so new Hitlers are discovered to take the focus off of the massive failures, avarice, and dishonesty practiced by the swamp creatures. For example, when Trump was elected, he had to be made a Hitler. His populist ideas and promises made could not be allowed to stand. And even though Trump accomplished a lot and kept a lot of promises, he had to be maligned even if it meant that the country would suffer. The mainstream news organizations were willing co-conspirators in this endeavor, and even now conspire to cover up the obvious and severe shortfalls of the new President. As a wise character named Pogo once said, "We have met the enemy, and he is us."
According to those on the left, everything white people do is racist. But, as Foster points out, nothing people of color do can possibly be racist. Astonishingly, we now have racist highways that were perpetrated on people of color by white people. But it should be apparent to all that the mainstream media, illustrated by what they say and how they say (or don't say) it, are definitely racist themselves. Racially-incited hatred from virtually every leftist group now, is becoming rampant, and we must find the truth-telling to end it! Thanks Stephen, for your truth telling.
Foster's newest blog, Moscow to Minneapolis, is not only true, but is "right on" in every respect. This is an absolutely great blog. And of course, as always, Foster makes his points so well with his mastery of the written word.
How did we (The citizens of the United States) get to this point of "collective madness" where we allow "Critical Race Theory" to not only explain everything but explain away everything not deemed desirable by so few?" Whatever happened to embracing critique and disagreement and civil discourse?
When, exactly, did the fourth estate morph almost completely into the fifth column and become the propaganda arm of the fictional systemic racism believers?
How did we (The citizens of the United States) get to this point of "collective madness" where we allow "Critical Race Theory" to not only explain everything but explain away everything not deemed desirable by so few?" Whatever happened to embracing critique and disagreement and civil discourse?
When, exactly, did the fourth estate morph almost completely into the fifth column and become the propaganda arm of the fictional systemic racism believers?
Why can't we all just get along? - Rodney King Possibly because there are many, usually on one side of the Black vs. White conflict, who prefer not to do so. Rather, they prefer to manufacture their own justice, whether it fits the facts or not.
This last blog about embalmed former "leaders" was interesting and readable. As I read it and the reference to Biden, I began to wonder if dementia could be compared to a kind of premature embalming. Surely Biden's present thought processes are little better than those that would come from a preserved corpse. And if Dr. Jill was not around to lead him out of his wandering ways and otherwise direct him, would old Joe be able to get through any day without being compared to an animated yet relatively mindless decedent? Which begs the question, did thinking people really vote for him? And, if so, can they succinctly explain why other than because they "hated" Trump?
Comments by IntenseDebate
Posting anonymously.
Anti-defamation League,
Ariel Sharon,
Deborah Lipstadt,
Golda Meir,
Holocaust education,
Raphael Lemkin,
United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Causes of the Crime of Genocide
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